Ronit Levy Weiss was born in March 1953 in Jerusalem, to religiously ‘traditional’ parents and orthodox grandparents. Eldest daughter to Haim (James), a filigree jeweler and Yona, a seamstress, she spent her early formative years in the Tel-Arza neighborhood with her parents, and in Nahalat-Tsvi, with two pairs of grandparents.
In those days there existed a culture of ‘empty talk’ or “shooting the breeze”. People used to sit idle on their beds and chairs and talk. Ronit remembers herself sitting on a rug placed on the Jerusalem stone floor in her grandmother’s house, and listening to the women’s conversations. She was pulled into the Yemenite Language they were using, and understood it completely. Their chatter engulfed her like a hammock.
For four years she was an only child and then, her sister Orli was born. With Orli, Ronit would walk every day hand in hand between boulders and mountains up to the Lemel girls’ school where she found out she had bouncy hair-curls for which she was bashful.
When she was nine, and her mother embraced a new baby sister, the family left Jerusalem and moved to Netanya, the town of beach and sand. On her first day at the ‘Bialik’ School the teacher made her sit next to a freckled red-hair girl named Pirhiya (flower) and they have remained good friends to this day.
In Netanya Ronit had discovered three things about herself: She was a natural swimmer, she was made of rubber, and she was good. She dreamed of a world where people do not talk but rather, look in each other’s eyes and speechlessly, understand one another.
At school, Ronit’s grades were all over the map even within the same subjects. In physical Ed however, she always excelled. The school psychologist concluded that Ronit was smart but was scared of tests. Ronit new that the Psychologist missed the point; if she was afraid of something it was of reading out- loud because the letters would start to move and float, perhaps because of the tears, and she couldn’t read. But to sit in front of the test page surrounded by silence, that — she liked very much.
In order to understand what’s happening, to organize and find the rules and order of events, she started writing. She called it to “dictate life”. Though she didn’t find rules she managed to make some order and her understanding improved. In spite of the secular society around her she remained religious and the other children accepted her as such, helped her, and adjusted themselves to her lifestyle. For example, if there was a movie show during a birthday on a Sabbath, she would stay out, so as to not to desecrate the holy day and there always were volunteers to keep her company.
She went to the agricultural boarding (high) school in Pardes- Hanna. Four years of children and nature and love to the late Oron Benjamin. It was a virtual paradise and those four years ended with a fall into the abyss.
And then, life started; Military service and long term travel to England. She came back and for the purpose of aiding her writing, studied general Psychology in Bar-Ilan University. Through the years while all that happened, Ronit studied dance. After getting her under-graduate degree she debated whether to continue with graduate studies, Dance therapy or art, and she decided to take dance as an art form. Her studies took her to the Rubin dance academy in Jerusalem. After her first year of study she was invited by the teacher Rina Gluk to take lessons at the Inbal dance company. Ronit tasted and fell in love. Later she left the Academy in favor of Inbal where she danced for six years under the artistic direction of the late Sara Levi-Tanay. While there, she published her first book of poems “Thirty Shekels a key” and choreographed a dance for her poem ‘Monument’ – (published in that book.) The dance was performed on the “Shades in dance” and won first prize.
Ronit wanted to develop her actions in the area of “movement to words” so she arrived at the study of Eurythmy – dance and movement according to Rudolf Steiner. After wandering in several countries to find the right school, she settled for the school for Eurythmy in the Theosophical center in Dornach Switzerland that was managed by Mr. Graf. She stayed abroad for five years and during that time wrote her second book of poems: “Songs from there”.
Ronit returned to Israel and broadened her sphere of engagement as a teacher of movement and dance in various schools. Through the years she became solely focused on schools for special education. In 2009 she published her third books of poems: “Mother and Son, Songs from here”. In 2014 She published her first prose book, three novellas, called "Like a Demonstration", and in June 2017 She published her second prose book "Children in Wartime Have Nothing To Do - Diary of a war"
Ronit lives in Tel-Aviv, And she is blessed with a son named Naftali.